10 Signs You’re On The Right Path In Life

The road to success isn’t a straight path. It often resembles a formula one race course, with twists and turns requiring expert handling to make it to the finish line without crashing.

Sometimes it’s hard to know whether or not you are headed in the right direction.

Here are a few tell tale signs you’re on the right path in life.

You are excited to wake up in the morning

You wish you didn’t have to spend any time sleeping because you have so many great ideas running through your mind. You can’t wait to tackle the day and do something  you’re passionate about. Every day is  a new adventure and you have so many different things you want to accomplish that it almost becomes overwhelming.

You are learning something new everyday

You never grow old if you are putting new information into your brain. Some people, on the other hand, are metaphorically six feet deep simply because they’ve unplugged their brains for the remainder of their life. In order to be successful, you must go to bed a little wiser than you were in the morning.

You are exercising routinely

Becoming active and exercising makes you healthier both physically and mentally. It doesn’t matter how much success you achieve if you feel like garbage. Successful people make sure exercise is part of their routine.

You are surrounding yourself with like minded people

Your circle of friends include people who want more out of life just like you do. You discuss ideas instead of gossiping about others. Your success has a direct correlation to the people you associate with. Your group is filled with intelligent and innovative people.

You are setting goals AND reaching them

You are making a commitment to become a better individual. You are following through with your short-term goals in order to eventually achieve your long term ones. Others can rely on you, and you can take great pride in knowing that you are living up your own standards.  You look in the mirror and you are proud of the person you see.

You are curious

You can grasp the fact the world is ripe with opportunity. You want to know all of the different ways  you can improve yourself and put yourself into a position to take things to the next level. You have a thirst for knowledge that cannot be quenched. You want to know everything about everything.

Your friends/family/peers are noticing the changes you’ve made

When you’re on the rise, people around you will notice it. They may comment on the weight you’ve lost due to your new exercise regiment, or congratulate you on the new steps you are taking in your career. When you are dedicated to rising above the crowd, it’s impossible to ignore. People will literally feel different when they’re around you. They may not be able to put their finger on it, but they know you’re going somewhere.

You know what’s important

You have figured out what matters and what doesn’t. Things that are not directly tied into your plan for success are discarded. You have refined your life and your time is now being utilized in an efficient way. Basically, you have removed all of the bullshit from your life.

You’re grateful

You know you have a long way to go, but you appreciate the things you are blessed with now. You realize that life has to be lived in the moment, regardless of how favorable the circumstances may be.

You don’t settle

Although you are grateful for what you have, you haven’t settled. You live to the edges or completely outside of your comfort zone. You make goals that stretch your efforts and capabilities. Going for something big doesn’t seem so much daunting as it does exciting and inevitable, because you’ve made up your mind that you aren’t going to live small anymore.

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I recently wrote a book about how to find your life’s purpose and overcome your fear of failure. It’s available on amazon for just under a buck (limited time)


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